It was wonderful to hear Dr. Jay Gordon address these concerns today on his website. Thought I would share with my fellow Mamas! Let me know your thoughts! Shame on PBS Frontline, ” The Vaccine War” « Jay Gordon, MD FAAP
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Shame on PBS Vaccine program last night
As I tuned in to the PBS program titled, "Vaccine Wars," I watched with great dismay. Once again, the Big Pharma was funding this program and it turned out to be one-sided and frightening.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Interview with God is something that always creates strong emotions within me, but also helps to put my life into perspective. I hope that it may do the same for you today.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Are you Hungry for CHANGE?

This blog is just ONE of the tools I will use to make a change in the lives of others. If you are reading this, then you've already taken the 1st step in admitting you want change! You are probably tired of all the Cancer, Asthma, Allergies, Autism, ADHD, ADD, Asperger's, etc that are so prominent in our world today, especially when it comes to our children.
You may think, "Well this is the way it was always done." What's terribly wrong about this statement is that 100 years ago our world was very different. Did you know 100 years ago EVERYONE ate ORGANIC food? That's all that there was! I know that while I was growing up I never knew one child, friend, neighbor or classmate that had Autism. Where are we failing our children? Where have we failed ourselves?
Sure you can tell me, "You can't live in a bubble!" Obviously this is true, although many times I find myself wishing I did. BUT, I can control 2 important parts of my family's life:
1. What we put into our bodies (FOOD), What we put on our bodies (to wash & moisturize, which is also food if you think about it) and
2. What I use to clean with, and which particles are going into the air that we breathe, at home anyway. (By the way, I clean pretty much everything with diluted White Vinegar and Water.)
These may seem like just small pieces of the puzzle, but in actuality they make a huge difference in our mental, physical & spiritual health each and every day. If you haven't already done so, please rent the documentary, Food Inc.
Why do I bother? Nothing will change. Well, for starters, every time I purchase ORGANIC foods, I am being heard by our Gov't. We all get 3 VOTEs a day by what we choose to eat. I am sending LOUD & CLEAR messages that are saying, "I will not be controlled by your Major Corporations: BEEF, DAIRY & SUGAR (that have no regard for human welfare, just the thickness of their wallets), that are killing the American people, our animals and our Earth!" What things are you voting for?
So, I'll ask you again, "Are you hungry for change?" We all have our part in this world. Don't sit back and allow this to negatively impact the health of your family. Here are some simple changes you can start with. Get Involved today!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Pleasant Surprises
Thursday is almost over, yet I feel compelled to check in and write about some of today's wonderful events. The day started with my hubby getting up and taking care of our son Tyler. He wanted me to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Can you believe I actually slept until 9am?!?! He said he was going to come check on me if I didn't get up soon. It's so unlike me to sleep that late, but my body REALLY needed some R&R!
Sleep was a gift that my husband was thoughtful enjoy to give to me today. Did he know this was exactly what I needed today? I was comforted by the idea that our son had been taken care of while mommy was also getting in some self-care.... REST!!!! Definitely not a daily occurrence.
When I woke, I found out the dogs had already gone for a long walk on the trail with Tyler & daddy, and breakfast was waiting for me on the table!!!! Delicious Scrambled eggs!!! Hubby decided that I needed some "alone" time- another gift in disguise. So, I took a nice shower and headed out to do some shopping.... for food (don't get too excited!) Although Brian suggested I go clothes shopping, I just wasn't feeling it today.
Upon returning, I discovered Tyler had already been put to bed for nap. I quickly whipped up some yummy Organic Fried-Rice, per my husband's request. Since tomorrow will be 5 years since my husband and I first met, we thought about going OUT for dinner! So, I called Nonna and she said she was free to take care of Tyler for a few hours this evening.
What a terrific night!!!! After going to Nonna's for a while Brian and I slipped away to La Candela's, our favorite Mexican Restaurant! It was Seafood Paella for me, and some sort of Burrito, taco, and Tortillas for Brian. Another treat because this was the 1st time in 2 years that we were out to dinner alone!!!! We got to reminisce, laugh and have some Sangria. Dessert was a delightful Tartufo!!! I think they make it the best!!!
After getting Tyler to bed, hubby retired for the night and I came downstairs to do some reading and posting. I hope everyone else is safely tucked in their beds for the evenings and having some pleasant dreams and deep slumber.
Until tomorrow.... sleep well! Nite Nite.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Managing my life

Today I'm realizing that my blog doesn't have to be perfect everyday because that would cause more stress and take away from the JOY of doing this.
So, today I'll focus on adding more yummy recipes. Many friends that have viewed it have requested some recipes to try with their own families. I'll just tell you that these FOODS have helped my family to thrive! Don't forget we've eliminated Dairy, Gluten, Corn and processed sugars. (I'll get into WHY another time). These are wholesome meals that would provide nourishment to all. They've also been tested by me and tasted by my loved ones! They've earned our seal of approval.
Learning that cooking can be quick, easy & fun has changed my life tremendously. I've joined a Food Co-op, which supplies me with locally grown, Organic fruits & veggies. Here is the one I belong to, but I'm sure they're available in your area as well. Purple Dragon Co-op. As a side note, if you decide to join this one please be sure to let them know I referred you. I believe they will honor us both with some discounts!
The food co-op has prompted me to cook new foods that I didn't even know existed. On the right, you can see a picture of the Acorn Squash I cooked for the 1st time. You'll find more recipes that incorporate new foods and I encourage you to purchase the ingredients and try them with your families. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Joining a Co-op has also helped me to support my local farmers, and eat fresher food at a more affordable price. There is great satisfaction in going to pick up my fruits & veggies every 2 weeks and bringing them home excited to show the family what our meals will consist of! I highly recommend it!
That's all for now! Enjoy the blog!! Please leave comments or check off the boxes after each post to give me some feedback & don't forget to become a FOLLOWER!
Peace & Love to all! Until next time... Live Well!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Another Manic Monday
Good morning everyone!! My Monday was so Manic that I forgot to complete this blog until now!! LOL! I will tell you, I spent more of my day cooking and try new recipes which was lots of fun.
The new recipe of the day was Healthy, Organic, Egg-Fried Brown Rice. I found this recipe online (which is not so healthy) but I changed it to suit our needs. I used all Organic Ingredients, Olive Oil, Brown Rice, and added Green sweet peas. YUMMY! Hubby was delighted by this tasty lunch that I proudly whipped up in 10 minutes!!! WOW!!! And again I had FUN doing it. I never thought I would become a Chef in the kitchen. That time has not come just yet, but I'm well on my way!
The picture above is actually a Quinoa and Black Bean recipe. ** I substituted the corn for Sweet Peas! This has also become a FAVORITE!!!
Hope everyone enjoyed their Monday!!! The week has started to get some momentum....
Until next time... Live well!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Satiated Sunday
Good morning and welcome to
We started the day by filling our bodies with the most satisfying foods. Today's menu included a delicious Oatmeal (Gluten-free & Organic for us), topped with Cinnamon, chopped Almonds, shredded Coconut and Cranberries. I find that eating a well-rounded meal at the start of my day keeps me full and energized until lunch! This is important since Sundays include Church and some traveling. I also pack snacks for the car in case we get caught-up or feel like munching. Cut up Apples, carrots, homemade trail mix, Organic fruit/nut bars, Gluten-free Pretzels and a few canteens filled with filtered water are some of the varieties we choose from. It takes some planning ahead of time but once you get in the routine of preparing snack-sized packages it becomes easier to grab and GO!
With Breakfast we had a Green Smoothie that included: apple, grapes, kale, orange, pineapple, & carrots. It is beneficial to include RAW FOODS in your diet, in addition to cooked foods. This is another way to pack in the fruits & veggies for the day. Look at all the wholesome foods we consumed with just breakfast alone! These may seem like gourmet meals to you at first, but once you get used to cooking these foods it becomes second nature. Cooking Oatmeal is one of the simplest breakfasts I make. Just boil water, add oatmeal and let cook for 20 min while make the smoothie. Twenty minutes later everything is done, and it's an easy cleanup.
Next I set my intention for the day: To get outside to a park, or play area with Tyler, Hubby and possibly some family members and enjoy this glorious day!
Today I am grateful for: The day of SUNDAY!!! To be able to connect with family and friends that are NOT working on this day. I am grateful for the energy that I have and the inspiration I feel inside. Eating Healthy opens so many doors in life. I feel more connected, grounded, spiritual and energized!
Have a Great Sunday Everyone!!!! Until next time.... Live WELL!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Breakfast Rituals
It's a great way to start the day with everyone eating together and connecting before we go our separate ways. Even though it's Saturday, Daddy is off to work. Today we started our day with some Scrambled Eggs with Leeks, Carrots & Garlic. The combination of flavors really compliment each other and it's now become a family favorite. Yet another way to sneak in those veggies, and it tastes sweet so my little man likes it! I even took a picture to document just how much he enjoys breakfast. I'll work on posting some recipes for you to try with your families. Let me know if you try them and how everyone liked the meal!
Now, before I get ready to head out into the world I check in with myself and set some intentions for the day. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining in through the kitchen windows and I can see the wind blowing through the trees outside.
I'm looking forward to enjoying this day with Tyler and meeting up with family later tonight to celebrate some birthdays!
Today I am grateful for: being able to listen to my inner-self and live in the moment. I'll keep this with me as I travel throughout my day and see how it impacts the day's events.
Tyler is asking for his "green smoothie!" Off to blend more fruits & veggies together to make a yummy shake! More about that another time.
Hope you enjoy this beautiful day! Until next time.... Live well!
Friday, April 9, 2010
To a new Beginning...
Today, I begin the next chapter of my life - Blogging! It feels kind of surreal to sit in front of a computer and write my thoughts for the rest of the (cyber) WORLD to read!! I can hear the voice in my head narrating my story, almost like Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City!"
Here I hope to reach out to other women, in particular mothers and moms-to-be, who are in search of living healthier lives. Women, from all walks of life, that are starting to realize there must be a better way to care for themselves and their families.
They say that, "When a child is born, so too is a mother." I never could have imagined the person I would become through Motherhood. I never knew the love I would be capable of giving and receiving, the selflessness that would overcome me, and the inner strength & wisdom that would surface. I never knew that I would be awakened to the life I was meant to live - One of Holistic living, Health & Nutrition, Wellness and Spirituality.
Today, I invite you to come along with me on this journey, as I take the steps towards living the life I was MEANT to live! I begin this blog with hopes that I may inspire you to learn new ways of living, thinking and interacting that assist you in living the life you always dreamed you would. I am energized by the thought of this blog having a positive impact on those that choose to join me!!! I appreciate that YOU have taken your time to read my blog. I hope that you will stop by again. Until next time.... Live well!
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