My son, Tyler, suffered from acid reflux, colic, milk intolerance, projectile vomit, diaper rashes and so forth when he was an infant. I immediately sought the care of a Holistic Nutritionist who helped me to heal his gut. I began adding probiotics to Tyler's diet, made him homemade, non-dairy formula, and helped to rebalance his digestive tract.
This article Acid Reflux: A Red Flag is by far the best I've ever read regarding Acid Reflux. It made me realize just how big of a problem this is in our country. Today, 50% of infants suffer from Acid Reflux disease in the first few months of life and recently, there has been a 56% increase in sales of medicine for acid reflux and digestive disorders in infants and children.
These statistics alone are very alarming! As parents, it is time to learn to heal your child with other remedies and avoid medications, which yield long-lasting side effects. "Let food be Thy medicine, and medicine be Thy food." - Hippocrates.
Until next time... Be well!