I was that person
I was one that felt sick after every she ate
pants didn't fit after dinner and I'd have to unbutton them
because my stomach would bloat
I was the one who would have to leave the table after a few bites
during a meal to run to the restroom
I was the one who was trapped in the restroom for a very long time
with either Constipation, Diarrhea or extreme aches and pains
I was the one
who was embarrassed to use a restroom at work
or anywhere outside of my home
because of the toxic aroma
I don't mean to be gorey
but being that we're all Moms here, we've Seen it all!
I was the one who suffered from severe aches and pains from Menstruation
starting at a very young age and was put on Birth Control Pills
because of the heavy bleeding, debilitating cramps and anemia that followed
I was the one
who had the beginnings of Endometriosis at the age of 17!
I was the one
who had terrible skin conditions:
Acnes cysts, that needed to be sliced open, drained and injected
by the Dermatologist
I was the one
who suffered from constant re-occuring Yeast Infections
and was constantly put on Diflucan to cure them
but they never went away for good...
I was the one
who missed tons of days of work from stomach upset
and my chronic digestive illness
I was the one
who began having stomach attacks that would last anywhere from
8-16 hours
They would begin by me being awakened from severe cramps, abdominal pain, cramps, burning, nausea, projectile vomitting, diarrhea,