Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Homemade Deodorant

Try making this homemade Deodorant at home!! Easy, and non-toxic to your system.

1 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of corn starch
1 tablespoon of olive oil
5-6 drops of tea tree oil
5-6 drops of peppermint oil

Mix together and it forms a paste that you can spread easily under your arms after a shower (it spreads easiest when skin is a tiny bit damp)

** Special Thanks to my friend Ashley for sharing this! **

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GREEN, "Back to School Supplies?!?"

As a teacher with summers off from work, I certainly hate all the HYPE and RUSH centered around, "Back to School" marketing, but not this time! For once, I'm actually excited to read and share a site that has listed the best choices for "green" school supplies. While it may be a little more difficult to find these products, I've decided to post this now so Moms can start preparing for these purchases. EWG's Back to School Guide is here!

This will be the first year that I don't fill my classroom with Purell hand sanitizers and Lysol Wipes or sprays. Geeze, I've learned so much from becoming a Holistic Mom and Health Coach. I want to make the best choices for all my loved ones, including my students. I'm hoping my class parents will meet me with understanding and acceptance, and don't see me as being too extreme. It's my mission to now educate others in hopes of changing the world for our future generations.

Please let me know what your thoughts are on this issue. Would you support me or try to discourage me? Would you be willing to donate these items to your child's teacher? Maybe you'll even do so and report back on how it went.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Until next time... LIVE WELL!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Infant babies growing breasts from FORMULA!

This is yet another testament to why it is imperative to breast feed your babies. It has become very clear that we cannot trust the health of our children to any companies. After my son was born I saw how he could not tolerate the formula. Some may say he was sensitive, but I say the best thing I every did for him, aside from breast feeding was make homemade formula. I knew exactly what he was getting, and it certainly was NOT cow's milk.

I feel for all the mamas who are unaware of their choices, or obediently listen to doctors, and baby commercial companies. The truth is, each parent should do his/her own research before their baby is born. It is unfortunate that we don't learn these things in school. Many moms don't have the time to research things while they are working full time, and once baby arrives there is even more stress due to lack of sleep, new routines, and the unchartered waters that come with parenthood.

Again, I will say it here because I feel so strongly about it: Cow's milk is not meant for humans. Cows produce this for their own offspring, the calf. While there is great controversy about the benefits of Dairy, I will say that it is a BIG BUSINESS!! Business is about sales, which always comes down to money. We all know how supply and demand works, right? Well, companies are injecting hormones into cows so they produce lots of milk. These hormones are being passed on to our babies, children and all of mankind. The statement below just makes me sick to my stomach.

"Along with China, the U.S. is today one of the few countries in the world that still allows bovine growth hormones to be injected into dairy cows. Though banned in Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and most of Europe, the use of these hormones in U.S. dairy is not only legal, it's routine in all 50 states."

Read this article mamas, Female Infants growing Breasts, and always trust your internal instincts and feelings. If you'd like to know more about alternatives to cow's milk, dairy, or dairy-free formula, yogurts, and milk, please contact me today!

"If you are going to buy dairy products, try to get them from organic sources. Organic milk products by law can't be produced with bovine growth hormone (BGH). Or look for dairy products that specifically say they are produced without BGH (also called recombinant bovine somatotropin, or rBST). Starbucks only uses dairy products that have not been produced with the hormone. Ben & Jerry's ice cream likewise uses only milk and cream from dairy farms that have pledged not to use BGH." - John Robbins

** Contact me today for your first Health session. **

Until next time.... Take care of yourself, your babies and your family!!! LOVE and PEACE!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Glorious Garlic

So if you know me well enough, you know how I absolutely adore garlic, and how I try to sneak it into a meal every chance I get. If you're not convinced, just ask my friend Kellie, who has now adapted to adding lots of fresh garlic to her own homecooked meals.

While I used to shy away from Garlic because I had IBS, GERD, and Acid Reflux, I have since learned that garlic is my FRIEND!!!! I would eat chunks of it at a time if I could!! Fortunately it seems that adding it as a staple to my diet and traditional meals has done the trick. My newest obsession with garlic is adding it to my raw salads. It is so tasty and refreshing. JUST be sure to use ORGANIC!!! Yes, it does make a BIG DIFFERENCE!

Aside from my personal experimentation with garlic, there is always research available that states all the health benefits of eating or cooking with garlic. Here is a site by one of my favorite mentors, Dr. Andrew Weil. Take a look and let me know what you think.

What's the deal with kids' juice?

Okay, so as a new mama I've never quite bought into the concept of giving my child juice. This is probably because my pediatrician has been against it since day one stating, "Juice feeds yeast," and "There is very little nutritional value in packaged juice."

Of course my dad believes firmly that children should have their "Tropicana OJ," in the morning because it is packed with Vitamin C, but from my own research and schooling, I now know better. If my son wants fruit juice, I make it for him because I know exactly what he is getting. However, too much fruit juice can elevate blood sugar levels and set children up for future health problems. As parents, we need to be educated about what our children's nutritional needs are and how we can best fill their daily requirements. For me, packaged JUICE has never been the answer.

Here is more research (85% of kids' drinks contain lead) that shows that juice, snacks & baby foods contain high levels of lead. It's alarming because even buying, "Organic" brands does not mean you are in the clear. Take a minute to read this article and maybe you'll decide to PASS on the fruit juices for your little one. It may seem radical but the truth is we must watch out for our children. We cannot trust big name companies, pretty packages, or healthy labels. The truth is, if it is packaged it is probably contaminated and in my opinion there is enough contamination in this world that is already making us sick. Take control over what you already have control over, your food choices. Your children will thank you for it one day!

I can teach you to make the quickest, easiest, healthiest meals for your family. I'm not Super-woman, but I've made small changes that have had a huge impact on the health of my child. If you're interested in learning more about what I do please message me: I'm giving FREE Health Histories, where we can discuss your health concerns & goals for you and your family. I am NOW accepting clients!!! I can't wait to help you to live your best life. You''ll have tons of energy, much more patience, best quality sleep (and sex- had to throw that in) and weight that will just melt off your body with every little effort. If this sounds that something that will improve your quality of life, please get in touch with me TODAY!!!!

Until next time... Live Well and LOVE the life you Live!!