Saturday, March 19, 2011

Busy Moms Beginner Cleanse!

Interested in doing a Cleanse but have no clue where to start?

Too busy to make time to do a cleanse on your own?

Worried that you won't have the energy to carry on with your daily routines if you do try a cleanse?

And really, what is a cleanse anyway?

~ A cleanse involves a temporary change to your diet and lifestyle that will assist your body in eliminating toxins and mucous through the colon, liver, kidneys, lymph, lungs and skin which helps bring the body back into Balance. Spring is the time of the liver in Chinese medicine, and therefore the ideal time for a cleanse.

The Simple Cleanse for Busy Moms, is very much like the spring cleaning that takes place in your home. It's time to:

- Declutter: get rid of those extra pounds we put on during the holidays, and snow days that we spent baking cookies (eating them throughout the weeks and watching movies!) Get your body ready for summer clothing where MORE skin is exposed!

- Deep Cleaning: Break out all your Cleaning Supplies- FOOD that will lubricate, get things moving, get rid of the junk, clean the walls (intestines), windows (eyes), and air vents (Lungs, nasal passageways, sinuses/allergies). Don't forget to clean the chimney to get rid of that Mental Fog, and Afternoon Slump you've been having where you find yourself experiencing major Cravings!!! Bye, Bye Sugar, Caffeine and Processed Junk Food.

- Polish and Shine: Restore your appearance: Eyes will become brighter! Say goodbye to Dry Skin, Dark Circles, and Acne and H-E-L-L-O to Radiant skin, and Lustrous Hair that will have you feeling HAPPY, HOT & Healthy!!

- Bring Peace and Renewal to your Home & Family through the peace and renewal of your own Temple. And have tons of ENERGY to actually get all your Household Spring Cleaning done! That's just an added Bonus.

What will I receive? You'll receive a 20 Page Booklet to your inbox, which will include:

# 1 A complete Cleanse Protocol - Everything you need to know about sticking to a cleanse, instructions, procedures and which self-care items to purchase and how to use them. Complete with recommended Detox Teas, Detox Baths and Detox drinks. This is the entire FORMULA for a Successful Detox! ($127)

# 2 50 Min GET BUSY Teleseminar, and a Getting Started checklist. ($75)

# 3 7-Day Meal Planner filled in with ALL of your MEALS, Snacks & Drinks! Easy, right? ($27)

#4 SUPER Recipes - Super Smoothies, Healthy Recipes, Snacks & Drinks ($47)

# 5 Completely Categorized - Food Shopping List ($15)

# 6 Access to our VIP Facebook Page where you'll receive daily inspirations, group support, Instant Communication for Q & A and Group Coaching from ME! (Priceless!)

I added up the total cost, so you could see exactly what you're getting and it came out to be over $300. If I charged that price I wouldn't be able to serve as many people in leading healthier lives because of the fear to invest in themselves.

Although, I do know many moms that get weekly manicures, pedicures or spend hundreds of dollars on their hair and toiletries, but what are they doing to improve their Health?

Isn't it time you gave yourself the gift of health? So your investment in your Health is only $97….

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? This is the last time this cleanse will be offered at such a low rate! If you don't join us for our next cleanse on July 10th, you will see the prices go up!

Pre-Register for the next Cleanse by June 26th and receive 25% off!

Contact me today

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